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Land Bank of the Philippines

LandBank Careers

Employer Hiring Philippines

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Land Bank of the Philippines

Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP; often referred to simply as LandBank), is a government-owned bank in the Philippines with a special focus on serving the needs of farmers and fishermen. While it provides the services of a universal bank, it is officially classified as a “specialized government bank” with a universal banking license.

LandBank is the second largest bank in the Philippines in terms of assets and is the largest government-owned bank. It is also one of the biggest government-owned and controlled corporations and banking institutions in the Philippines along with the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), Overseas Filipino Bank (OFW Bank), and Al-Amanah Islamic Investment Bank of the Philippines.

How to apply? Application procedure as follows:

#1 Prepare and ready your resume/CV. You can try online resume builder from the internet.

#2 Visit the career site or web page of the company and look for the available jobs posted.

#3 Submit resume and apply online via the HR department / company’s email for application purposes.

#4 Wait for the company’s response and follow up as necessary.

#5 Visit Philippine Careers website every day for more job postings from other companies.

Land Bank of the Philippines PH Careers Philippine Careers Philippines Jobs Hiring, Jobs Near Me, Apply Now, Urgent Job Hiring, Philippine Jobs, Jobs, Careers, Hiring

PH.Careers is a FREE job bulletin site and does NOT collect any fees from the applicants. This website is 100% free to use. Please visit the company’s career site for application purposes.

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