Audit Specialist
Job Hiring Philippines
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Career Job Hiring Philippines – 2023 Updates
The Audit Specialists shall assist the Audit Team Leaders, Audit Section Heads, Audit Department Heads, and Chief Audit Executive in undertaking audit functions as provided for by the Bank’s ByLaws, Corporate Governance, regulatory bodies, Audit Committee Charter and Internal Audit Charter to add value and improve the Unibank’s operations, help the Unibank accomplish its objectives and bring a systematic disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes.
The Audit Specialists shall assist the Audit Team Leaders in the discharge of his/her duties. He/she shall be accountable to Audit Team Leaders to:
a. Provide an assessment on the adequacy and effectiveness of audited business/ channels/ systems/ products and services’ processes for managing its risks and instituting controls in the areas set forth under the mission and scope of work.
b. Report significant issues related to the processes and control activities of audited business/ channels/ systems/ products and services, including corrective actions, resolutions and potential improvements, as necessary.
c. Coordinate with other units providing oversight on other control and monitoring functions (risk management, compliance, security, legal, ethics, environmental, and external audit).
Certified Public Accountant

How to apply? Application procedure as follows:
#1 Prepare and ready your resume/CV. You can try online resume builder from the internet.
#2 Visit the career site or web page of the company and look for the available jobs posted.
#3 Submit resume and apply online via the HR department / company’s email for application purposes.
#4 Wait for the company’s response and follow up as necessary.
#5 Visit Philippine Careers website every day for more job postings from other companies.