Collections Agency Manager
Job Hiring Philippines
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Career Job Hiring Philippines – 2023 Updates
Manages/monitors external collections agencies (ECAs) in the execution of the team’s collection strategies.Reviews and corrects, if necessary, financial and non-financial endorsements submitted by the ECAs. Ensures that the ECAs are sufficiently capacitized in terms of manpower and other resources required in implementing collection strategies.
Graduate of any 4-year course
Must have at least 3-5 years of experience in ECA management.
Negotiation and Probing Skills
Knowledge in CCPL Product

How to apply? Application procedure as follows:
#1 Prepare and ready your resume/CV. You can try online resume builder from the internet.
#2 Visit the career site or web page of the company and look for the available jobs posted.
#3 Submit resume and apply online via the HR department / company’s email for application purposes.
#4 Wait for the company’s response and follow up as necessary.
#5 Visit Philippine Careers website every day for more job postings from other companies.