Electrical Engineer/ Mechanical Engineer (Maintenance In House Officer)
Job Hiring Philippines
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Career Job Hiring Philippines – 2023 Updates
Property Management
Job Description:
Working as Maintenance In-House Officer of WILCON Depot Inc. must be reliable and have a great eye for detail. Must have the technical skills and knowledge on various ranges of crafts such as electrical and generator sets system, mechanical and HVAC system, plumbing system, building facilities and machines, etc. Leadership and knowledge of administrative tasks such as scheduling and handling technicians directly are essential. The goal is to ensure that the facilities, machines and equipment are always in good running condition, compliance to safety practices and various mandatory government monitoring reports must be strictly follow to avoid sanctions. Maintenance In-House Officer shall have technical component to their duties as well, deep understanding of engineering is required.

How to apply? Application procedure as follows:
#1 Prepare and ready your resume/CV. You can try online resume builder from the internet.
#2 Visit the career site or web page of the company and look for the available jobs posted.
#3 Submit resume and apply online via the HR department / company’s email for application purposes.
#4 Wait for the company’s response and follow up as necessary.
#5 Visit Philippine Careers website every day for more job postings from other companies.